Friday, 12 February 2016


The headline for my magazine is "HE'S BACK!" with a sub heading of "And this time its Personal-ity" this will hopefully capture the attention on the readers as they will want to know who is back. The reason this  headline is because I am playing up the  story that Rhino was a big name in the music industry and he just suddenly stopped making music and now he is back and is going to tell his story of why he stopper playing ad making music. This would draw the readers in.

D.N.A Magazine Masthead

My masthead is the most important part of my magazine and will have to be the part that stands out most on my front cover. I have decided on the title of my magazine and created a logo for my first draft design I have decided on doing.

The reason i have chosen D.N.A is that, people say music is a part of them and that they connect with it on an intense level, it also links to the fact that the music is in our blood. D.N.A stands for Decibels Noise Amplitude as that is to do with sound and music s that captures the link between D.N.A and music.